So I opened and there was a huge things for 10 things a 'Good Boyfriend' wont ask you to do... and I read through the list thinking this:
#1. His laundry
Pairing your socks isn't exactly our idea of a stay-at-home date, nor does living with you make us a 1950s housewife. A good compromise is for one partner to sort and start the laundry and the other to fold and put it away. Plus, studies show that helping around the house can increase intimacy. So, how 'bout that pile of dishes? If you clean up the sink while we tackle the living room, we'll be more likely to cuddle.
My Rebuttal: Actually right this second I am waiting for the dryer to ding because I am de-wrinkling his shirts. Just because I like to do my man's laundry does not make me a 1950's housewife. Now... A 'Good Boyfriend' will do things without hesitation. A 'Good Girlfriend' would do the same. Also - As long as he picks up after himself, I keep the rest clean... and our 'intimacy' well - lets just say there is no way to increase it, thank you.
#2. Buy gifts and cards for other people on his behalf
We'll help when we're out with you, but no, we won't make a pit stop at Hallmark and Laura Ashley while we're shopping with the girls. Just because we're women doesn't mean we're automatically adept at figuring out your Aunt Martha's dress size.
My Rebuttal: Thats Crap. Men are not naturally emotional creatures. They do not think about Aunt Martha's Birthday coming up, or even how old she will be turning. Men have basic instincts to provide for themselves and their families. Although they love 'Aunt Martha' just the same, a card is not at the top of their lists. But as women we know they care about family and we know mailing out a card or a gift letting 'Aunt Martha' know he was thinking about her - connects the dots that most men don't think about.
#3. Plan an entire vacation without his help
When we ask you whether you'd rather spend our anniversary in Cabo or Vermont, we want you to express an actual preference, not to say, "Whatever, I'm happy with what makes you happy." The same goes for the hotel, the airline, and the restaurant reservations. Letting us take the reins isn't considerate, it's just lazy and boring. Instead, make sure to divvy up the planning. We pick the location and hotel, you plan the activities.
My Rebuttal: Okay, I'd like to start of by saying, the woman that wrote this - Obviously has a gay man as a boyfriend. I am sorry. Men do not pay attention to detail. As I stated earlier men have basic instincts and thats it. Mosgt don't give a shit where they go - Mostly because they know the most important thing - THEY ARENT AT WORK! Anything is better than the same ol same ol. They also know they dont want to get on your bad side for not setting up the 'activities' how you want them. Women naturally lead on crap like this, just because a man doesnt plan out his whole vacation does not make him lazy or boring... Secondly - If you plan the hotel and the location, he will simply say okay, relax at the hotel, or the beach maybe do some sight seeing. Men don't need detail to survive - Women do.
#4. Make him a sandwich
The refrigerator is 10 feet away and your game control has a pause button, so get up, stretch, and slap that ham and lettuce together by yourself. We don't care if you're "in the zone," because apparently, you were out of it long enough to articulate your immediate need for a nibble. Maybe we'll consider it if you agree to break from the game for 20 minutes, put on some coffee, and enjoy your afternoon snack with us.
My Rebuttal: First off - If you are a housewife, making him a sandwich should be just something you do - Taking care of your husband, your children and your home - Thats a housewifes Job. A Husband to a housewifes - His job is to provide for his family - Shelter, food, clothing, and also to provide her time to do her thing and have her breaks as well. If you are Not a housewife - then it would depend on what your doing - Your in the kitchen? Making him a sandwich. If your relaxing on the couch as well, ask him to pause it and you can both go in the kitchen to make one. If your off doing your own thing and he has guys over - wouldnt you want to make it for them so you dont end up with a mess in your kitchen?
In any event - if he was in the kitchen and you were watching TV and you asked him to make you something... if you respond to the above statement with a 'he would tell me to get it' then your with a bad boyfriend - Dont make him a sandwich. If your answer is 'Yes he'd make me a sandwich' then Yes, make the man a damn sandwich!
#5. Change your relationship status on Facebook
We believe our life outside of the Internet should speak for itself. On the off-chance that we break up, wouldn't you rather tell your close friends in person, rather than have that ever-present broken heart appear on 500 people's newsfeeds? Well, we would, so don't even ask us to include our relationship status on Facebook in the first place.
My Rebuttal: Sooooo... Are you saying it is okay he can leave his facebook stating he is single with all his single 'girl' friends on their? Thats gay. My Bf changed his and stated I was his girl before I even thought about it... Now that my friends - Is a good boyfriend.
#6. Be his wake-up call
Really, buy an alarm clock. Remembering a man's nap and wakeup schedule should be an occasional favor, not an everyday obligation.
My Rebuttal: Are you kidding? Your taking this shit too far. Listen, if my man was away and he asked me to give him a wake up call to get up for work, I would love too. Knowing that he wants to hear my voice first thing when he wakes up, makes me smile - Even if thats not why he requested it. And I know I wouldn't mind hearing his every morning. So - Him asking you to call and wake him up - Does not make him a bad boyfriend.
#7. Hang out with his ex
Some women like befriending the ex, and others just want to satisfy their curiosity about her, but don't pressure the ones who would rather keep a distance.
My Rebuttal: Well I dont have one for this one. This one I actually agree with. I couldn't hang out with my man and his 'ex' there is a reason they are 'exes' in the first place. Not that I would have any reason to worry or be jealous about... Thats why he is my man and not hers. =-0
#8. Keep up with his favorite shows
How would you like it if we made you religiously watch Desperate Housewives? Instead, let's pick a show we both like and make sure we follow it together.
My Rebuttal: Well, why cant you both have your own shows? I know my BF asked me to watch a show and I fell in love with it, so maybe you should give it a try before jumping down his throat. And maybe each having your 'show time' gives you space... no reason to think that would make him a bad BF.
#9. Lose weight
We'll tone up for health purposes and for ourselves, but if you're really concerned about the 5 lbs we gained over the holidays, don't flat-out complain that we're getting flabby. Instead, invite us to go biking with you or to take a yoga class together. Treat exercise as a fun activity we can do together instead of something that we should do just for you.
My Rebuttal: Okay, mixed feelings on this one. No one wants to hear they need to lose weight. But if your man tells you, okay, that flabbiness coming out is unattractive, would you rather he tell you about it or cheat on you after a few years of falling out of love with you. Men are visual beings, don't shoot them for it... it is how they are. IE - Women can read 'Love' Novels and get themselves off; but men can not. Men need to see whats going on, hear it, feel it. Also - It goes both ways, a couple needs to talk about things like that, I mean - if you love one another, you want to keep each other around for years to come... right?
#10. Keep our hair long
Trust us, short hair is cute, fun, and just as feminine as back-length hair. Just look at Halle Berry, Audrey Tautou and Keira Knightley, circa 2005. It's not as if we're going to shave it off or sport one of Rihanna's hairstyles, but even if we did, we hope you'd find us just as attractive..
My Rebuttal: Okay, I personally think Halle Berry looks like a man with no hair. I dont know, my BF did ask me to keep mine long, but I cut it a little anyways. Just because a man asks something of you doesnt mean you have to follow it and it certainly doesnt make him a bad BF. Maybe he is turned on by long hair. Naturally we would all have long hair maybe it is human nature to be turned on by long sexy hair on women.
In any event, I think this list is crap. Just my opinion but I think stuff like this gets women thinking they have it bad, and they really don't.
Now here is a real list of '10 things a Good Boyfriend wouldn't ask you to do?'
1. Have a Three-some with his Ex Girlfriend.
Now thats just wrong on so many levels. I would certainly think to myself - he is a bad boyfriend.
2. After only a short time dating, he asks you to co-sign for him to get a brand new car.
Expecially if I am driving an older car... I'd wonder why he couldnt sign for it himself or have anyone from his past do so.
3. Ask if his Ex can move in.
Umm... Thats F-ed up.
4. Ask to borrow money.
Now in certain situations this would be okay, but you need to make sure your not dating a 'Mooch'
5. He asks you to wake him up every morning in a sexual manner.
Well, sometimes this is fun, but we are not sex machines... if you want one of those buy a 'Real doll' and do her when you wake up.
6. Asks you to marry him after a week of dating.
You will NEVER know someone completely in a year, nevermind in a week. Give it time. I wouldnt say he is a bad boyfriend for asking you in a week, but I would say he has some problems.
7. Asks you to leave the seat UP.
Umm, I am a firm believer in, I put the seat down to pee, then you put the f-ing thing up. Kinda works both ways huh?
8. Asks you to Cook, Clean, do his laundry, and his errans.
Now, I am the kinda girl that likes to do things for my man, but I am not so much a fan of waking up to a laundry list of shit to do for him.
9. He asks you to kiss his moms ass.
Hahaha. (Insert witty comment here) hahahaha... Umm no.
10. He asks you to be his baby's Mama.
Ha, That should be Number one... Thats messed up. Not to mention ghetto. If a man ever said to me, I want you to be my 'Baby's Mama' That would be the end of that road. Now after dating for a long time, marriage, and such, a man said to me 'I want you to be the mother of my Children.' - Thats a sexy way of saying it, kind of beautiful in a way.
Luckily, My Boyfriend has never said any of the top then I listed, So I am thinking he is a good boyfriend. Better yet I know he is an Amazing Boyfriend. As for the list above that, most of thats crap. I hope women do not read shit like that and think they have it bad, and lose something good because of it.
Make your own top then list of shitty things a man will ask you to do, if your man does them - Maybe he isn't right for you.
Good luck!
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